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Top 3 Auto Restoration Tips for Beginners

Restoring A Car with No Experience

The classic car hobby is a great way to spend free time, meet new people, and learn new skills but it can be daunting to take on a car that needs restoration and it can get expensive quick if you don’t follow some basic tips when choosing a project or when restoring a project. We decided to put together our top five restoration project tips for a beginner with no experience.

  1. What you See is the Tip of the Iceberg- If you’re looking at a potential restoration project remember that it is always worse than it seems. If you see rust holes in the body you can bet there’s rust in hidden areas as well. The same is to be said about blistering or little bubbling in a paint job. Usually that is the worst of the rust coming up through the paint but it is probably 2-3 times that size at the route of the problem. Be cautious of patched or freshly undercoated areas on the underside of a vehicle as the seller may be hiding something. Always stay within your skill level when buying a restoration project as something too rough can quickly get you in over your head and make it hard to finish.
  2. Invest in the Core Tools You Need- Restoring a car or truck can take more than the average home owner tools and will help you get the job done right if you have a core set of tools to get a project started. We suggest at the least investing in an angle grinder for cutting and sanding paint and metal, a set of body hammers and dollies, a MIG welder, bead roller, and a shrinker stretcher can get you well on your way to restoring an old car. Obviously there are many other tools that can make your life easier but we feel those tools are the must-haves if starting out in the restoration hobby.
  3. Pick a Car That Is a Driving Project- If you’re new to restoration hobby it is often best to start with a car that still runs and drives and is something you can drive, enjoy, and repair as you go. This will allow you to get your feet wet without tearing a car down to nothing and it being apart for years on end. When you fix the car as you drive it you will learn more about the vehicle, and meet people with similar interests that may help you with future projects. It may be a higher cost to start with but it is less daunting for a beginner.

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