Home » To convert the rust or to encapsulate the rust? That is the question.
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To convert the rust or to encapsulate the rust? That is the question.

So you are shopping for products to kill that nasty rust you found on your recent project and you don’t ever want it to come back again (much like that nasty cold you might of had last month)? But, you are unsure of what the difference is between our “Rust Converter” and our “Rust Encapsulator“? Or even which is better for your particular project? Hopefully we can help answer a few questions and educate you all in one go!

Rust Encapsulator (or “RE” as I will refer to it) is basically  a “primer” type coating that can conveniently be applied over top of the rust itself and then any type of product such as a top coat of paint can be used afterwards. This product is perfect for floor pans, frames or under body parts. The RE essentially locks out moisture and air to stop any future rust. This is best used alone when you have minor rust or have cleaned the metal and want to eliminate the possibility of rust in the future such as a spot prone to rust on your vehicle. This can be used on its own separate from the Rust Converter we also offer.

The Rust Converter (or RC as I will refer to it) we now offer is perfect to use in conjunction with our RE we discussed above. RC is prefect for more extreme cases of rust in which you want to dissolve or transform the rust. What RC does is CHEMICALLY convert the rust into a black polymeric coating that seals the metal  from air and moisture before any type of paint or primer is applied.

So which product is best for you? To sum it up, we suggest using the Rust Converter when you have heavy or major rust to convert and seal the rust first. Then, for the full treatment follow up with the Rust Encapsulator as a primer to completely seal and prime the surface before your top coat. The RE can be used alone if you have minor flash rust or medium rust. Do this by simply removing the loose rust and applying RE to keep that minor rust from spreading or getting any worse. We do NOT suggest using the RC if you there isn’t any rust present and the metal is clean.

Hopefully we put some confusion to rest on these products and which can be used together. Feel free to comment or respond to this blog entry if you have any other questions. Additionally if you have any suggestions for other products you feel there isn’t a clear answer on when to use the product or what exactly it does. We will try to continually be posting some answers to commonly asked questions about our products exclusively here at the Eastwood blog.

Don’t miss the video clip from the review of the RE on “My Classic Car” T.V. show we have hosted!


  1. I am curious as to what testing has been conducted.
    What ASTM tests has it passed or DNV, Factory Mutual etc.
    Is it a surface coating or a sacrificial coating?
    How does it test in penetration and adhesion testing?
    What is the anticipated long term lifespan of this product?
    Does it have abrasion resistance?
    Can it be submerged in water?
    How about flame resistance?
    How does it perform under Holiday Testing?