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The Best Way to Roll Perfectly Straight Beads in Metal.

The Eastwood Bead Roller Fence Takes Out the Guess Work

When you’re rolling a bead in a panel you may need to run a long straight bead and any small wobble or inconsistency in the bead will show through the metal and be nearly impossible to correct. Unfortunately none of us have robotic hand-eye coordination and the odds are against you the longer the run is when doing a straight bead or profile in a bead roller. That’s why we’ve taken the guess work out by offering a bead roller fence. The fence bolts onto the bead roller and is square to the dies. This means that your panel edge will ride square to the dies and give you as true of a bead as your panel edge. Learn more about our new favorite bead roller accessory below and get yours HERE.

he Eastwood Elite Bead Roller Fence is specifically designed to fit Eastwood Bead Rollers to create precise, perfect straight line beads and offsets in metal panels up to 40” wide. Quick and easy to install, adjust and remove.

Use the Bead Roller normally while keeping the edge of the metal panel against the face of the Fence with an even pressure which will produce a consistently straight bead or offset parallel to the edge of the metal panel.

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