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Tag: Welder

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Can You TIG Weld without Gas?

With the cost going down and the quality going up on TIG welders in the last 5 years we are getting a lot more beginner welders asking questions about what a TIG can do and where it can be used. Understanding how the welding process works with a TIG welder will allow you to understand if one is the best welder for your shop. TIG welding is the preferred method among most high end weld shops but it does have its limitations.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Reasons you need an Inverter Welder

Technology is great, it helps us do things more easily and saves us time. I love old “stuff” and oldschool traditions, but one antique I don’t want is a welder. The welder you use can definitely change the quality of the work you’re doing. In recent years transformer welders have taken a back seat to inverter welders. What makes one better? We decided to put together our top 5 reasons why we chose an inverter welder first.

Archive, DIY & How To, Eastwood Chatter, Metalwork & Fabrication, Projects, Tech Articles

Complex Rust Patch Panel Made Easy

At times rust repair can be ultra simple; cut the old rust out, cut a square of fresh metal and weld it in. But those repairs aren’t usually as frequent as we’d like. Rust seems to like to creep into a curved area or into a body line that takes more care to repair. I recently decided to tackle a large rusty area of the rear portion of the floor on Project Pile House.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Quick TIG Tungsten Setup Tips

When you’re a beginner at TIG Welding there’s a lot of steps to go through to lay a nice weld down. Getting a setting incorrect, or setting something up just a little off can be the difference between a gray mess of bird-turd welds and rainbow colored stacks of dimes. […]

Archive, DIY & How To, Eastwood Chatter, Metalwork & Fabrication, Project Cars & Trucks, Project Pile House, Tech Articles, Welding & Welders, Welding Projects

Project Pile House- Shaving the Door handles

Since guys have been customizing cars, shaving the door handles has been one of the most common modifications to make the car look as smooth as possible. This process can be a pretty simple process, but there are a few things that can make it go smoothly. I decided to show the process on Project Pile House.