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Tag: VW Caddy

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

DIY Spray On Bed liner How-To.

Trucks are initially designed by the auto manufacturer with the idea of using it as a workhorse. They give you proper rated tires, heavy duty leaf springs, etc. right from the factory. But with most trucks, they only paint the bed with the same paint as they do the exterior […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

What’s the chance?

Anyone that has done almost any kind of automotive work can probably remember a “whoops” moment. You know the one, where it seems like your life suddenly went into slow motion. It could be the bolt you dropped down into then engine bay, or the screwdriver in your pocket that […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

The cure for rusty-tank syndrome

It’s one thing to have to fight rust that is easily accessible, like on floor pans or quarter panels, where it isn’t too hard to get to the problem area.  Nothing is worse than restoring a vehicle, only to find that the fuel tank you have in it is full […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

The engine is out!

Looks like our crew over at Penn Manor got a bit of headway done on their VW truck project. Always a great idea to clean and paint parts before you put them back in the engine bay! I’ll leave the details to one of the students to explain! Hey Matt, […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

May I Introduce?

Today we are pleased to add a new section to our blog. These entries will document the storyline (as mostly written by the students) of the restoration and rebuild of a diesel VW Rabbit Pickup by students at Penn Manor High School in Lancaster, PA. We hope to help them […]