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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top 5 Best Tools to Have in Your Garage

We live by a certain saying around Eastwood and that is “You can Never Have Too Many Tools”. It’s true, we’re always looking for new tools to make a job and our lives easier. We’ve done a pretty good job over the years of putting together an impressive catalog of unique tools that will make your friends jealous. I decided to go through our long list of tools and give you my top 10 must-have tools that you need in your garage or your tool box.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Folding work Stand Accessories!!

You may have bought a folding work stand at one point and not even realized how much is on the market to make an already great garage item even better.  Regardless of the brand we should have you covered.   Let’s start with a place to put all your tools, sandpaper, […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Items your Garage Might be Missing!

“You can never have too many tools” is a quote you hear a lot of people say. This is true IF you can keep them all organized, a tool hidden in a pile in a drawer that you can find isn’t doing anyone any good! Regardless, we decided to put a list of some handy tools and garage accessories that you might be missing for your shop. Feel free to comment below with some of your ideas!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Off-Roading Crash Course For Dummies: What you Need to Know Before you go Wheeling

With Off-Roading becoming more and more popular and parts suppliers being readily available “Wheeling” has become a weekend warrior type hobby that you can do with your daily driver. Whether you plan to just go out on the trail to camp for the night or an intensive rock climbing weekend out into the great beyond there’s some things you should do to prepare yourself. We decided to put together a small list of things a beginner should consider before hopping the white lines of the road into the rocks and dirt. Check it out below and feel free to comment below if you have some advice for beginners as well!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Trail Items You Need on Your Truck

When you’re out on the trail your cell phone isn’t going to save you. There’s some key items you’ll need to get your rig going when broken down or stuck on the trail. We decided to put together a short list of our favorite Eastwood products that are trail must-haves. These aren’t the only items you need, but will definitely be key items for off-road vehicle survival!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How To Weld a Butt Joint

One of the simplest welding joints is the butt joint. It is not the strongest, but it is one of the most useful especially for automotive body work. This type joint is used whenever you butt 2 pieces together and then weld between where the two meet. Butt welding thin […]