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How to repair a damaged Aluminum Alloy Wheel

In this part of the country (Mid-Atlantic) cars, wheels especially take a beating during the winter. Slippery roads, corrosive salt on the roads, and potholes that could swallow a small child wreak havoc on your automobile. The cost to replace a damaged aluminum wheel can be VERY costly. In the classic car world wheels may be obsolete and impossible to replace if you have a damaged wheel. I decided to tackle repairing a badly damaged aluminum aftermarket wheel I have had stashed away for years.

Archive, DIY & How To, Metalwork & Fabrication

Welding Helmet FAQ

An auto-darkening helmet allows you to see to position the electrode, or wire feed gun on your work without needing a hand to flip the helmet down before striking an arc. Many welders have perfected the art of flipping a fixed tint helmet down with just a quick nod of the head, but that still doesn’t work for all situations and welding positions.  On top of that, since the tint is created electronically, it can be adjusted to better suit all lighting conditions and types of welding.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to shave and metal finish your firewall with Empire Fabrication

Shaving or smoothing the bodywork on a custom car has been one of the most popular modifications since the beginning. Shaving door handles and trim or side marker holes are the most common things to shave on a project car, but close behind that is smoothing or shaving the firewall. Sean of Empire Fabrication has gotten REALLY good at shaving and smoothing cars. So much so that his finished projects require basically no body filler at all and can be primered and block sanded straight away. Sean recently took the time to snap some photos and give us the rundown on how he tackles a firewall shave project. The donor vehicle is a VW Eurovan that he has already drastically customized. So grab a drink, sit back, and watch how to do the job right with Empire Fabrication.

Archive, DIY & How To, Eastwood Chatter, Media Galleries, Metalwork & Fabrication, Pictures, Projects, Tech Articles, Welding & Plasma Cutting, Welding & Welders, Welding Projects

Upgrading your forced induction system- Installing V-Band Clamps

Evolution is the way of the world in all aspects and your car projects will evolve as you tinker with them or build new projects. Turbo charging or supercharging an engine is fairly simple and can be done inexpensively, but there’s a few places where skimping can cause headaches. Leaking boost flex hoses and clamps are the bane of existence with many DIY turbo setups. A good way to correct this issue is by replacing the silicone or rubber hose connections with V-Band clamps.

Archive, DIY & How To, Eastwood Chatter, Metalwork & Fabrication, Projects, Tech Articles, Welding & Plasma Cutting, Welding & Welders, Welding Projects

TIG Welding FAQ

TIG stands for Tungsten Inert Gas. Unlike MIG or ARC welding, TIG uses an electrode separate from the filler material. This electrode is called the tungsten, and different varieties of them have different welding characteristics. The inert gas is typically Argon, or sometimes Helium or a mixture.

Archive, DIY & How To, Metalwork & Fabrication, Project Cars & Trucks, Project Pile House, Projects, Tech Articles, Welding & Plasma Cutting

Custom Scratch Built Bed DIY for Project Pile House

Project Pile House has been an ever-evolving project and like many projects, things start small and spiral out of control and next thing you know you’re detailing the inside of your glove box hinges! Luckily I’m not quite that OCD about my vehicles (yet), but Pile House is now more than just a thrown-together junkyard parts runner like I originally planned. It’s turned into a full blown custom and not much on the truck is original or untouched. After getting the cab, dash, hood, etc. all smoothed out and “roughed in”, the original patched together bed and fenders was bothering the crap out of me every time I looked at it. The fenders looked like boat trailer fenders and were more roughed up than a boxer after a title fight, while the bed itself wasn’t much better. I decided to start dreaming up a subtle custom bed.

Archive, Tech Articles

MIG Welding Duty Cycles

When you are using an arc welding machine, you will need to understand what its duty cycle is as it will help you preserve the life and quality of your tool. On this page, you will learn about what a duty cycle is and how it is relevant to MIG […]