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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top Fabrication Accessories You Need

Having a shop full of fabrication tools is great and will make every job you do easier, but the small unsung heroes are the fabrication accessories that you might not have yet. These little tools can save time and help push your work to a higher quality. We decided to put a list of our favorites from the Eastwood catalog. Follow along and get yourself some new top-drawer items for you tool box!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Dent Repair FAQ

Even with the modern advancements in the art of paintless dent removal, you still need the most basic of tools if you want to handle any and every dent repair. The number one and two tools you need are a good body hammer and dolly set.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Even the best need guidance!

Recently we added another “arsenal” to our auto body product line. Sometimes after hours, days, and even months of sanding filler and primer, you start to see “things”. It makes you feel as if you are a shipwrecked sailor. You know the feeling, you’re fine-tuning a dent that you had […]