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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Blue Steel 32 Ford Roadster- AMBR Contender 2014

Every year at SEMA there’s always one car that is so over the top and amazingly clean that it blows us away. This year it was a custom 1932 Ford Roadster named “Blue Steel”. Sure 32 Fords have been done a million times, but few take it so far that it’s close to.. dare we say it… OCD clean? This 32 Ford definitely gives off the high-dollar, high-profile shop build. I was surprised when I got to talking to the guys responsible for the build that they weren’t from a big name SOCAL shop, but rather a bunch of friends that built the car in a tractor repair shop over the past year.

Archive, Eastwood SEMA Experience

SEMA 2013 Day 1 Coverage

For most SEMA Show goers Tuesday is day one for the SEMA Show, but for anyone exhibiting today is our first day as set up our Eastwood Exhibitor booth. We’ve been exhibiting at the show quite sometime now and you can always find us right near the main stage of the General Motors and Chevrolet booth on the border of Hot Rod Alley and The Restoration Marketplace. The “Main Hall” where we reside for the week is where all of the heavy-hitters of the industry are setup. This also means we get to see some of the best cars of the show right In our backyard!

Archive, Eastwood SEMA Experience

SEMA 2013 Pre-Show Coverage

In the automotive world there’s a few events you can always count on being the hotbed of “what’s cool” in the hobby. The one we always look forward to is right around the end of October or Early November and that’s the SEMA Show. Eastwood Company has been attending SEMA since our early days and we’ve watched it grow each year. The 2013 SEMA Show is no different and this year it’s almost outgrown the HUGE space it takes up at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This year I’ve heard rumors that the show has spilled out into the parking lot and halls of the adjacent Las Vegas Hotel. This means there will be more top-notch show vehicles, new products, and gear heads like you and I then before!