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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Why Scroll Compressors Outperform

Scroll compressors have basically one moving part on the inside of the engine. The internal “scroll” will actually move in an elliptical style pattern to produce the compressed air. Internally you have a stator which has an opposite of itself moving in opposing direction. These two rotate inside and are […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Scroll vs. Piston Style Air Compressor

Scroll Compressor vs. Piston Air Compressor. Which is better? Air compressors are a tool that any industry needs in order to work both effectively and efficiently. In this article we will be discussing the two most popular types of air compressors; the scroll style vs. piston style air compressor. What […]

Archive, Tools & Equipment

Why a scroll compressor??

If you have ever worked in a shop you’ll undoubtedly know how loud standard compressors can be.  Especially when left without proper maintenance over the years.  Scroll and screw compressors have been out on the market for years but always at untouchable prices for your average homeowner. Early this year […]

Archive, Paints & Coatings, Pneumatic Tools, Tools & Equipment

How Many Gallon Air Compressor Do I need to Paint a Car?

Painting a car at home can be an affordable way to tackle a big job yourself. There are a number of factors that could make or break your paint job. Getting or making sure you have the correct size compressor is one of the first things you should do after you decide on the color. We often get calls asking about how many gallons the compressor tank should be to paint a car. This is often a misconception when looking into the painting process.Â