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Tag: rust spots

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How Does Rust Spread?

In the automotive restoration world we refer to rust like it is a “cancer” or infection that spreads in metal. So we often get questions on how and why rust spreads. Rust is iron oxidization that occurs when bare metal that contains iron is exposed to moisture and oxygen. As a rule of thumb, if oxygen and water/moisture can’t get to the surface it is safe from rust. 

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Repair Rust Pin Holes Without Welding

Rust pin holes can happen on vehicles as new as a few years old in some cases. You might not have the money to pay an auto body shop to perform the repair or the tools to cut and weld a new patch panel in. But there are solutions that will give you a simple repair that can be done in your driveway. Below we show you the process for repairing rust pinholes and sealing the area up for a permanent repair.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Stop the Rust- How to Fix Rust Spots on your Car

If you own anything made of metal there’s a chance you’re going to fight rust sometime in your life. If you own a car that’s more than a few years old there’s an even larger chance rust will creep into your life (there’s a pun there). I decided to break down some common misconceptions about rust and give you a broad overview on how to fix those small rust spots on your car.