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HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF ON A BUDGET If you’re restoring a vehicle, a major milestone in the process is when you paint the vehicle. At that stage, although still far from finished, the project really starts to take shape. Depending on your skill level and ambition, you may wish […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Protect a Chassis from Rust

Chassis and frame rot is a problem all cars and trucks need to worry about. Whether you’re restoring a classic or maintaining your daily driver you’ll need to protect your chassis from rust and frame rot. We recently had a 1960’s Chevy frame in the Eastwood Garage that needed to be stripped and treated to stop the rust and get the frame ready for a body again. Below we show you the 3 basic steps for restoring and protecting your chassis from future rust.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Repair Rust Pin Holes Without Welding

Rust pin holes can happen on vehicles as new as a few years old in some cases. You might not have the money to pay an auto body shop to perform the repair or the tools to cut and weld a new patch panel in. But there are solutions that will give you a simple repair that can be done in your driveway. Below we show you the process for repairing rust pinholes and sealing the area up for a permanent repair.

Archive, Body Fillers, Dent Repair, Replecement Sheet Metal, Rust Removal

How to Repair Rust on Your Car Without Welding

Rust repair is probably one of the most daunting tasks there is in the automotive world. Most of the world would rather do the ice bucket challenge everyday for a year before fixing rust on their old jalopy. There’s definitely a time and place to repair an area to a concours level but that work isn’t always justified or maybe talent just runs out and you’re stuck with how to repair the rust as simple as possible. If you aren’t doing a 100 point restoration and just want to do an easy repair that WILL last follow the steps below.