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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Clean Pitted Rust

When working on any project; whether it be a car or just something that’s old and rusty, it’s inevitable that you will eventually run into some areas that have rust pits. When faced with these you can ignore it and have them pop there ugly heads back up in the […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How Does Rust Spread?

In the automotive restoration world we refer to rust like it is a “cancer” or infection that spreads in metal. So we often get questions on how and why rust spreads. Rust is iron oxidization that occurs when bare metal that contains iron is exposed to moisture and oxygen. As a rule of thumb, if oxygen and water/moisture can’t get to the surface it is safe from rust. 

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Which Types of Metals Rust?

  Generally speaking rust is something we all can do without. It can be destructive and once it appears it can be hard to get rid of. In order to prevent or stop rust you need to understand what causes rust and why types of metals will actually rust. Read […]