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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Clean Pitted Rust

When working on any project; whether it be a car or just something that’s old and rusty, it’s inevitable that you will eventually run into some areas that have rust pits. When faced with these you can ignore it and have them pop there ugly heads back up in the […]

Archive, DIY & How To, Eastwood Chatter, Media Galleries, Paint & Powder Projects, Paint & Powdercoating, Painting & Powdercoating, Pictures, Projects, Tech Articles

Project of the Week- Powder Coating a vintage Mini Bike

Here at Eastwood we’re always working on new products, but we always make sure we’re testing products we’ve offered for quality. Recently JR decided to powder coat a vintage mini bike to show off some of our Hot Coat Powder and test the outcome of our metallic powders.