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Tag: Project Car

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Clean Pitted Rust

When working on any project; whether it be a car or just something that’s old and rusty, it’s inevitable that you will eventually run into some areas that have rust pits. When faced with these you can ignore it and have them pop there ugly heads back up in the […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

3 Beginner Tips for Auto Restoration

Project Scope Creep The thing about restoration projects is that they NEVER go as planned; even for the professionals. If you’re restoring an old car or truck it’s a good chance it’s had a number of different owners and it wasn’t always as well-cared for as you’d like. This means […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Build a chassis/fixture Table on a budget

In a effort to make my life easier I decided I would build a table that I could build and modify chassis on in the future. I only had a few simple rules; it needed to be mobile, I needed to be able to easily level it, and it needed to be AFFORDABLE. If you haven’t checked, the metal required to build a heavy fabrication or chassis table new is big bucks. I’d rather save that cash for my project cars and repurpose some metal from my local scrap metal yard.