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Tag: Penn Manor

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

The engine is out!

Looks like our crew over at Penn Manor got a bit of headway done on their VW truck project. Always a great idea to clean and paint parts before you put them back in the engine bay! I’ll leave the details to one of the students to explain! Hey Matt, […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Digging deeper into the engine bay

Today I received another update from our friends over at Penn Manor. Seems as though they are making some progress in getting the mechanical side of things taken apart for repair. Below Penn Manor student Tyler gives us a update. Today’s update on our progress, we have cleaned the cylinder […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

May I Introduce?

Today we are pleased to add a new section to our blog. These entries will document the storyline (as mostly written by the students) of the restoration and rebuild of a diesel VW Rabbit Pickup by students at Penn Manor High School in Lancaster, PA. We hope to help them […]