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JS Custom Interiors with Dave Kindig
Feature Articles

Turn to the Pros to Level Up Your Skills

We live in a time when so much information is available to us instantly on request and for free. Between YouTube, Wikipedia, and Chat GPT, it’s easy to feel confident about knowing a lot about, well, a lot. We should know – after all, we create a ton of how-to […]

Powder Coating, Technical

Get More Gloss From Powder Coated Parts

Powder coating is an undeniably tough and long-lasting finish for so many applications. But even though it lays out smooth when applied properly, the nature of the material can leave a shiny, but not super-glossy, final finish. One of the questions that comes up often is how to enhance the […]

Auto Paints & Painting Equipment, Technical

How to Paint Over Chrome

There’s nothing quite like the brilliant gleam of polished chrome trim. Unless, of course, you prefer a different look. While the glint of chrome plated bumpers and trim has long been a hallmark of American classics, painted accents serve as a powerful counterpoint to this aesthetic. Body-colored bumpers, for example, […]

Dodge Charger in Plum Crazy purple paint
Feature Articles

Get H.I.P. to Mopar’s High Impact Muscle Car Colors

The late 1960s were a time of huge cultural shifts, as witnessed by radical changes in music, fashion, and design. The continuation of the Eisenhower-era’s restrained, conservative aesthetic gave way to miniskirts, psychedelia, and wild colors by decade’s end. The youth movement was in full swing, and no product broadcast […]