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HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF ON A BUDGET If you’re restoring a vehicle, a major milestone in the process is when you paint the vehicle. At that stage, although still far from finished, the project really starts to take shape. Depending on your skill level and ambition, you may wish […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Is Powder Coating Flexible?

A problem when painting parts that may flex is the possibility of the paint cracking over time. In the auto body industry flex agents have been added to paints and clear coats to help them flex with a part and reduce cracking. Powder coating is a much more durable coating than liquid paints. In fact it has two-three times the impact resistance and is preferred for parts that are exposed to extreme conditions. 

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Remove Powder Coating From A Valve Cover

In this tech article we’re going to show you how to revive this old valve cover that has been powder coated in the past. We’ll be using our down to metal paint and powder stripper. Now whether you need to remove an old coating to start fresh or fix a mistake, down to metal paint and powder stripper is exactly what you need. Today I’m gonna show you how to fix a mistake let’s face it we all make them during powder coating this valve cover got poor coverage and fish eyes from contaminants on the surface we’ll need to remove this powder coat before any paint work can be done.