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Archive, DIY & How To, Metalwork & Fabrication, Project Cars & Trucks, Project Pile House, Projects, Tech Articles, Welding & Plasma Cutting

Custom Scratch Built Bed DIY for Project Pile House

Project Pile House has been an ever-evolving project and like many projects, things start small and spiral out of control and next thing you know you’re detailing the inside of your glove box hinges! Luckily I’m not quite that OCD about my vehicles (yet), but Pile House is now more than just a thrown-together junkyard parts runner like I originally planned. It’s turned into a full blown custom and not much on the truck is original or untouched. After getting the cab, dash, hood, etc. all smoothed out and “roughed in”, the original patched together bed and fenders was bothering the crap out of me every time I looked at it. The fenders looked like boat trailer fenders and were more roughed up than a boxer after a title fight, while the bed itself wasn’t much better. I decided to start dreaming up a subtle custom bed.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Save All the Classics- Pulling a 1960 Oldsmobile Out of Its Tomb

Nick fondly remembered this side of his family having cool old cars since his years as a wee little one visiting on the holidays and to watch the Mummers Parade. After speaking with his family, he found out that one of the cars was still stashed away in their large garage in the city behind the house. The house and garage have been uninhibited for a number of years as his great Aunt was in poor health. He struck a deal and asked myself and Joe R. here at Eastwood to come help him extract the car from it’s tomb.