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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

MIG Welder Comparison Buyers Guide

MIG welding is very easy to learn and a MIG welder is a must-have in auto restoration or any type of metal fab, which is probably why you’re considering purchasing a MIG.  If you’re not sure what exactly you need, I’m going to help you select the right machine for your job.  Today we’re going to take a look at the MIG 135, MIG 175 and MIG 250.  If you’re looking for a multi-process machine that will not only allow you to MIG weld, but also give you the option of ARC and TIG welding, those units are also available at Eastwood.  But today I’m going to stick to MIG welders. 

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Reasons you need an Inverter Welder

Technology is great, it helps us do things more easily and saves us time. I love old “stuff” and oldschool traditions, but one antique I don’t want is a welder. The welder you use can definitely change the quality of the work you’re doing. In recent years transformer welders have taken a back seat to inverter welders. What makes one better? We decided to put together our top 5 reasons why we chose an inverter welder first.