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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Metal Buffing & Polishing: Basics & How To

Buffing is simply the process of smoothing high and low spots on a surface until it is perfectly smooth. Typically it is done with fabric wheels and abrasive compounds of various types. You progressively move from a very aggressive, to a less aggressive grit compound, and matching wheel, until you polish your piece to a near mirror finish.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

A Crash Course in DIY Powder Coating

You may not realize it, but Eastwood was the first to bring DIY powder coating to the masses and into your garage. We’ve been there since the start and I’ll admit that we sometimes forget that not everyone is as educated as we are about the process. I decided to throw together a list of information that will give you a crash course on powder coating as well as some tips and tricks along the way.

Archive, Project Cars & Trucks, Project Pile House

Shaving the Column- Custom Steering Column Mods

I had previously covered in a few steps how I had come up with the steering setup on the truck. To make it short, I’m using a Packard steering column housing, a custom column shaft, and a Ford steering wheel. To make all of this work together took a bit of work, but I’ve got it all bolted up and it should all jive pretty good when done. Now I need to finish up the small details that will make the column not only look good, but also work smoothly together. I’ll be covering the latter in another post, but for now I decided to show you how I went about shaving the unneeded holes from the column housing.