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Tag: how to paint a car

Archive, Autobody, Body & Fender, How To, How To, Paints & Coatings

What Causes A Fisheye In Paint?

There isn’t much more heart breaking than preparing an item for paint and taking all of the necessary steps to clean, prep, and spray your project and a paint issue comes up after the paint has laid or dried. Like most problems in the world you can potentially solve or prevent them if you educate yourself to what causes the problem. Below we cover some potential causes and precautions to fisheyes in paint. 

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Mix Body Filler

Today we’re gonna mix up some filler and we’re going to show you how to do it right with the Eastwood quick mix sheets now these are great as opposed to using cardboard which can actually absorb your hardener robbing your mix ratio now there’s a hundred of these on each sheet and cleanup is a breeze simply rip off the top sheet and throw it in the trash.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Autobody Teacher and Students Teach How to Paint A Car using Eastwood Products

Donnie Smith’s (AKA “Butler Collision”) YouTube channel has for a while now been a wealth of FREE knowledge for anyone interested in learning more about the collision or autobody hobby and trade. Recently Donnie and his students decided to tackle a color change on a 2003 Mustang and document the supplies, costs, and time needed to do the job. Along the way they’re using DIY-geared Eastwood products to help make the job easier AND more cost effective. We’re excited to see how the car turns out and maybe we’ll even learn a thing or two ourselves along the way! Make sure you follow the project on their Collision Blast Blog.