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Simeone Museum Demo Days Bring History to Life

We’ve written before about the incredible Simeone Foundation Museum in Philadelphia. Unlike other car museums, this one dedicated almost exclusively to historic racing machines. In fact, endurance and road racing is the main focus. Most of the vehicles in the Simeone collection have significant competition history. And perhaps more importantly, […]

Feature Articles

Visiting Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles

The early twentieth century was the wild west of the automotive industry. By 1910, more than 500 companies had registered as automobile manufacturers across the country. Pennsylvania was home to numerous carmakers in those early days, with much of the industry centered around its steel-producing towns like Reading. Not far […]

Culture & Events

Would You Live in a Historic Car Factory?

Over the course of a century or so, most commercial buildings will witness numerous businesses come and go. In fact, it’s not uncommon for an old building to change its function entirely over time. Sometimes old houses become new offices, run-down gas stations live on as cool diners, and derelict […]

Dodge Charger in Plum Crazy purple paint
Feature Articles

Get H.I.P. to Mopar’s High Impact Muscle Car Colors

The late 1960s were a time of huge cultural shifts, as witnessed by radical changes in music, fashion, and design. The continuation of the Eisenhower-era’s restrained, conservative aesthetic gave way to miniskirts, psychedelia, and wild colors by decade’s end. The youth movement was in full swing, and no product broadcast […]

Feature Articles

An Ode to the Humble Station Wagon

In a hobby filled with high-powered muscle cars, precision-handling sports cars, and fantastically styled exotic cars, it might seem strange to heap praise on the lowly station wagon. But hang around car people long enough and you’ll come to appreciate the mighty wagon and the special type of enthusiasts who […]

Feature Articles

When German Engineering Meets Scottish Tradition

It may seem a rather odd pairing on the surface, but the combination German cars and Scottish tartan cloth upholstery has become as natural as peanut butter and jelly, and just as tasteful. We take leather interiors for granted on most modern vehicles, especially high-end European vehicles. But in the […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

The History of Pinstriping

Hand painted pinstripes have been part of cars, since before the horseless carriage became horseless. Back in the day carriages had accent stripes around the edges of the panels, a contrasting color stripe applied along the edge of the wooden wheel, and a long thing strip on each spoke. Stage coaches, being the shuttle bus of their day, were larger with more panels to paint, and often were also lettered with the name of the stage line as a promotional tool.