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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Move Compressed Air Easily- Why You Need a Portable Compressor

Compressed air is something that isn’t created easily without a machine or device to compress the air. Pneumatic tools can make a job much easier and there are times when compressed air is a necessity to get something done. Often times when shopping for air compressors the “bigger is better” mentality wins and we find ourselves stuck if we run out of air hose or we’re on the road. While I’ve had a large compressor in my shop for years I still have found that a small, portable compressor is a life saver. Below are some great uses for having a small compressor on hand.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Tricks to getting dry Compressed Air

The invention of compressed air running tools to make jobs easier is amazing and can make our lives much easier when working in our home shop. Unfortunately some tasks to require clean, dry air to allow the tool to work as it should. For instance your media blaster HATES moisture in the air and will clog the blaster nozzle up quickly if your air isn’t very dry. While your paint gun doesn’t care if it’s spraying 100% water or paint; your paint DOES car and you will have issues with a paint job if your air isn’t dry. Not to mention the lifespan of your air tools can be greatly reduced if you don’t have dry air running through them! We put together a few products that can be life-savers if you can’t afford an expensive filtration system at the compressor (the CORRECT, long term way to solve air moisture issues).

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Reasons you need an Inverter Welder

Technology is great, it helps us do things more easily and saves us time. I love old “stuff” and oldschool traditions, but one antique I don’t want is a welder. The welder you use can definitely change the quality of the work you’re doing. In recent years transformer welders have taken a back seat to inverter welders. What makes one better? We decided to put together our top 5 reasons why we chose an inverter welder first.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to bring Faded Plastic Parts Back to Life

Like everything in this world, trends are seen throughout styling over the years. Whether it’s the clothes worn or how they were designing cars, you can usually look at something and tell what era it’s from. For many years chrome or heavy metal bumpers were the norm on all cars. These bumpers had no plastic and you could usually polish them up if they ever faded over the years. In the late 1970’s-late 90’s rubber and plastic found its way onto bumpers more and more until modern times where a bumper is made 90% of plastic. With cars from the late 70’s through the 90’s now becoming “classic cars” more people are turning to restoring or refreshing them. This means trying to bring back a faded old black plastic bumpers or trim is a major issue on these cars that was never a problem with traditional “old car” restorations.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Best Way to Detail your Engine Bay

Having a chromed out or polished, spotless engine bay is a dream of a lot of car enthusiasts, but it’s a lot of money and time to get an engine to be to the level of high end show cars. That doesn’t mean you can’t have an ultra clean engine bay that looks really great without breaking the bank. We decided to put together a list of our favorite ways to detail your engine bay and drive train.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

When do you save a panel or throw it away? Repairing a Rusty Trunk Lid

When your fabrication and welding skills start to progress you’ll get to a point where not much scares you as far as repair goes. Whether it’s rust or just old body damage anything can be fixed with enough time and skills. Over the past few years I’ve started to get myself to that point where I often have to approach a rusty panel with the question “Is it worth my time to fix it?”. The answer can differ for many reasons. Is the panel easily available aftermarket or good used? How expensive are the panels? How soon do I need it versus how long it takes to get a replacement part?

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top Fabrication Accessories You Need

Having a shop full of fabrication tools is great and will make every job you do easier, but the small unsung heroes are the fabrication accessories that you might not have yet. These little tools can save time and help push your work to a higher quality. We decided to put a list of our favorites from the Eastwood catalog. Follow along and get yourself some new top-drawer items for you tool box!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Items your Garage Might be Missing!

“You can never have too many tools” is a quote you hear a lot of people say. This is true IF you can keep them all organized, a tool hidden in a pile in a drawer that you can find isn’t doing anyone any good! Regardless, we decided to put a list of some handy tools and garage accessories that you might be missing for your shop. Feel free to comment below with some of your ideas!