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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Why are Scroll Compressors More Efficient

Scroll Compressors have been the standard in high quality air compressors for a little while now. But many times the cost deters most buyers from purchasing. When looking at the specs of a scroll compressor versus a piston-type compressor it is pretty impressive how efficient the scroll really is. Scroll compressors can put out close to twice as much air a piston compressor of a similar size or have a much higher duty cycle. What’s the secret behind their efficiency and is it worth the added cost?

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Move Compressed Air Easily- Why You Need a Portable Compressor

Compressed air is something that isn’t created easily without a machine or device to compress the air. Pneumatic tools can make a job much easier and there are times when compressed air is a necessity to get something done. Often times when shopping for air compressors the “bigger is better” mentality wins and we find ourselves stuck if we run out of air hose or we’re on the road. While I’ve had a large compressor in my shop for years I still have found that a small, portable compressor is a life saver. Below are some great uses for having a small compressor on hand.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

What Air Compressor is Needed for an Impact Wrench

An impact wrench is a life saver when it comes to removing stubborn stuck hardware, or quickly removing a lot of hardware. This tool can change the game in a home shop and leaves many with asking what air compressor they need to run their impact wrench or impact gun. This questions can be answered a few different ways but we decided to give you a options that can help you decide which air compressor is right for your shop, budget, and impact wrench.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How Do Scroll Compressors Work?

Humans by nature are looking to make things work better, more efficiently, or save time. This is no different when it comes to the tools in your shop, garage, or home. Air Compressors power many of the tools we use daily and when our compressor isn’t working efficiently, neither are […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to bring Faded Plastic Parts Back to Life

Like everything in this world, trends are seen throughout styling over the years. Whether it’s the clothes worn or how they were designing cars, you can usually look at something and tell what era it’s from. For many years chrome or heavy metal bumpers were the norm on all cars. These bumpers had no plastic and you could usually polish them up if they ever faded over the years. In the late 1970’s-late 90’s rubber and plastic found its way onto bumpers more and more until modern times where a bumper is made 90% of plastic. With cars from the late 70’s through the 90’s now becoming “classic cars” more people are turning to restoring or refreshing them. This means trying to bring back a faded old black plastic bumpers or trim is a major issue on these cars that was never a problem with traditional “old car” restorations.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Items your Garage Might be Missing!

“You can never have too many tools” is a quote you hear a lot of people say. This is true IF you can keep them all organized, a tool hidden in a pile in a drawer that you can find isn’t doing anyone any good! Regardless, we decided to put a list of some handy tools and garage accessories that you might be missing for your shop. Feel free to comment below with some of your ideas!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter, Metalwork & Fabrication, Tech Articles, Welding & Welders

Get Comfortable and Step Up Your TIG Game

Step up your TIG game and take your machine to the next level, enabling you to perform stronger and better looking welds. Regardless of the capabilities of the machine that you have, if you are looking to lay down the same great looking welds over and over, you have to be comfortable in your welding position. It’s good practice to take your time to get into a comfortable position and take a dry run before you start an arc. This will tell you whether your position will enable you to complete your weld from end to end without stopping and starting.

Archive, DIY & How To, Eastwood Chatter, Painting & Powdercoating, Tech Articles

Powder Coating Motorcycle Parts to Make it Stand Out

Powder Coating is about one of the strongest coatings you can put on a part of your vehicle. What this does mean is that changing the color or design on your powdered parts can be a bit difficult to do. Recently Product Manager Beau B. decided to redo the color scheme on his motorcycle and document the process of stripping the powder off some of the parts and recoating them with fresh powder. It’s not as bad as you think!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter, What Makes Us Tick

What Makes Us Tick-Ryan P. Eastwood Product Manager

Yes, my grandfather owned his own shop and was the lead technician for a race team at the old Reading Fairgrounds. My father was also a technician for many years and gave me my education in automotive repair industry. I started my career as a technician when I was 13 by changing oil and doing other small jobs at local friend of the family’s garage. I eventually was performing any job that came through the door.