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Archive, Paints & Coatings, Tech Articles


HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF ON A BUDGET If you’re restoring a vehicle, a major milestone in the process is when you paint the vehicle. At that stage, although still far from finished, the project really starts to take shape. Depending on your skill level and ambition, you may wish […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Custom Paint Doesn’t come from a Can! Eastwood Intermix System

Truly restoring a car means that you have to follow the factory specs of what your car should have looked like when new. There isn’t much room for creativity when building up your car in that manner. On the other hand custom cars leave the doors wide open for what you can do. Whether its a mild custom with just some things done to clean up the appearance of your vehicle or if it involves creating an entire new persona of your stocker. When it comes to painting a custom car you don’t want to just go with a stock color that everyone else at the next show will have on their car. Custom Paint mixing can be a scary task and many factors can change the color or “formula” along the way. We decided to take away some of the complexity of picking and mixing a custom color for your ride.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to pick the right Pinstriping Brush

Rick Harris is one of the best pinstripers working today. He can production stripe factory cars, He’s striped custom electric guitars for Gibson, he’s hand lettered and striped NASCAR race cars, and more. Over 2 years in the Gibson factory he striped over 1000 custom Les Paul guitars. Back in the 90s when the American car companies had a big problem with delaminating paint, he was one of the guys who tasked with repainting the factory pinstripes perfectly. He came in to the studio and did a live how-to demo with Kevin.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

The Basics to Pinstriping Paints

Rick Harris is one of the best pinstripers working today. He can production stripe factory cars, He’s striped custom electric guitars for Gibson, he’s hand lettered and striped NASCAR race cars, and more. Over 2 years in the Gibson factory he striped over 1000 custom Les Paul guitars. Back in the 90s when the American car companies had a big problem with delaminating paint, he was one of the guys who redoing the warranty work. These pictures are mostly taken from a live stream event he did with Kevin Tetz for the Eastwood YouTube channel.