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Feature Articles

What Happened to Car Magazines?

Recently one of my Facebook groups was up in arms over a major announcement from Car and Driver magazine. In case you missed it, they’re changing from a 12-issue annual subscription to just six. But the new format will be larger, with double the pages and on better paper. So […]

Feature Articles

An Ode to the Humble Station Wagon

In a hobby filled with high-powered muscle cars, precision-handling sports cars, and fantastically styled exotic cars, it might seem strange to heap praise on the lowly station wagon. But hang around car people long enough and you’ll come to appreciate the mighty wagon and the special type of enthusiasts who […]


California Rescinds Ban on Cruising

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law on October 17th that will end the state’s previous restrictions on cruising when it takes effect on January 1, 2024. The new law specifically eliminates restrictions on lowrider, which were the primary target of the old law, and recognizes both cruising and lowrider […]