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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Quickly Restore the Shine on Your Brass Headlights

I recently purchased a pile of antique lights and after going through the pile I found a few I liked for my own projects I decided to play with restoring a couple to resell and pass on to other collectors. I had a couple key things I wanted to accomplish with this project. I wanted to bring the “bling” back to the lights, without taking away from their “age”. Most of these antique lights had brass headlight buckets and trim rings with either cast iron, steel or brass bases.

Archive, Tech Articles

How to Prepare Parts for Electroplating

For any automotive restoration or decorative project, the most important step in the process is preparation. Electroplating is a process that is no exception to this rule. It is very important to make sure you prepare the objects correctly and thoroughly before you begin electroplating them. In fact, the actual electroplating procedure is really the last step in the entire process. Below, we have put together a tutorial on how to properly prepare your metal parts for electroplating.