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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Pro Tips for Abrasive Blasting

The Ultimate Way to Prep Parts If you’re gonna prep a part for paint or powder you’re going to want something that’s efficient so you aren’t sitting there all day working. If you want something that’s going to be effective, removing a 100% of all your coatings, corrosion and contaminants […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top 10 Powder Coating FAQ’s

Top 10 Questions that Arise During the Powder Coating Process To achieve that professional grade finish on powder coating to most people may seem out of reach or not possible without thousands of dollars in equipment and tons of knowledge. Eastwood takes care of the money side by offering affordable […]

Archive, Tools & Equipment

Why a scroll compressor??

If you have ever worked in a shop you’ll undoubtedly know how loud standard compressors can be.  Especially when left without proper maintenance over the years.  Scroll and screw compressors have been out on the market for years but always at untouchable prices for your average homeowner. Early this year […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Tips to Keep your Parts Clean when Powder Coating

Coating anything requires good prep to assure a flawless finish. This is true for painting with an HVLP Gun, spray paint, or powder coating. Powder Coating adds an extra layer of finish contamination that other coatings do not. That’s the need to heat the part and the powder up to allow it to flow out and cure. Funky stuff can start to happen causing issues with the final product. We decided to put together or top five ways to prepare your parts for powder coating. These tips could be the difference between a show-worthy finish and a hack job!