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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Quick Project- Portable MIG Welder Torch Holder

It never fails when you’re using your MIG welder, you set the torch down to adjust, hammer, or to lift your helmet and you can’t find a good spot to hang your torch. Worse yet, the hot tip of the welding wire pokes you in the leg and burns you when you go to set it in your lap. I’m always looking for ways to consolidate my tools and make myself more efficient. I decided to make this quick little MIG Torch holder that fits on my magnetic ground post. Great beginner fabrication project!

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Practicing TIG Welding.

This is a lead in from some of our other “beginners TIG welding” articles. Once you have started getting your technique and hand positions down on a piece of flat metal. Then make sure your beads are looking satisfactory (and uniform) and then you can move to laying some welds […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Beginners TIG Welding Tips

More so than MIG and ARC welding, TIG welding requires a lot more practice to be proficient in. There are a lot more ways to control the arc, puddle, and final outcome of your weld than with a MIG welder. Here are 5 tips that are essential to keep in […]