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2014 AACA Hershey Fall Swap Meet Report

For most here at Eastwood The fall AACA Hershey swap meet has become a tradition to visit each year. The reality with Hershey is that if you can’t take off of work and come mid-week, you’re going to miss the REAL good deals. Heck, some of the best deals are scored by fellow vendors on setup day it seems! I decided to swing by on the first official day of the swap meet and see what this year had in store.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Save All the Classics- Pulling a 1960 Oldsmobile Out of Its Tomb

Nick fondly remembered this side of his family having cool old cars since his years as a wee little one visiting on the holidays and to watch the Mummers Parade. After speaking with his family, he found out that one of the cars was still stashed away in their large garage in the city behind the house. The house and garage have been uninhibited for a number of years as his great Aunt was in poor health. He struck a deal and asked myself and Joe R. here at Eastwood to come help him extract the car from it’s tomb.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Make your barn or garage find road-worthy- Part Three Restoring the Brake System

Once you have the vehicle running and moving under its own power you’ll surely want to drive it around your property to see what else it needs. The big thing that may kill the fun is the lack of brakes. In my particular case the front brakes were partially seized on and the brake pedal just went to the floor. I decided to completely disassemble the system and show how to go through the brakes on your classic car…..

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Make your barn or garage find road-worthy- Part One Assessing the Vehicle

In the past 5-10 years the buzz words in the automotive hobby are “barn finds” or “garage finds” and “picking”. This is just a car guy or gals way of explaining automotive treasure hunting. The dream is to find an untouched car or parts that’s been stashed away and forgotten in a barn, garage, yard, etc. and you pull it out and put it back into use. There’s practically an entire subculture in the classic car world dedicated to this with shows like American Pickers, Chasing Classic Cars, Backroad Gold, etc making it look like an easy process. I’ve been doing this sort of thing for quite a while and it can be as easy as knocking on a door and handing over a stack of cash, but the process to make these cars and parts usable again IS NOT. Any car that’s been sitting for more than a few years is going to need a LOT of work to get it ready to cruise the streets again. Not only that, there are some key steps you should take to avoid causing damage to the vehicle when trying to get it going.