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Tag: Air tools

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Tricks to getting dry Compressed Air

The invention of compressed air running tools to make jobs easier is amazing and can make our lives much easier when working in our home shop. Unfortunately some tasks to require clean, dry air to allow the tool to work as it should. For instance your media blaster HATES moisture in the air and will clog the blaster nozzle up quickly if your air isn’t very dry. While your paint gun doesn’t care if it’s spraying 100% water or paint; your paint DOES car and you will have issues with a paint job if your air isn’t dry. Not to mention the lifespan of your air tools can be greatly reduced if you don’t have dry air running through them! We put together a few products that can be life-savers if you can’t afford an expensive filtration system at the compressor (the CORRECT, long term way to solve air moisture issues).

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Sneak Peak of New Products

Here at Eastwood we are constantly working to get new tools, chemicals, and “stuff” to help you “Do the Job Right”. The other day was like Christmas in September with some sample “final production” products arriving from our factories. I decided to snap two behind the scenes shots for you! […]