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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Top Essential Air Tools For A Beginner

Must Have Pneumatic Tools You Need Pneumatic tools are a great thing. You can use a single air feed to run many different tools and they can help you complete everything from disassembling a car, mechanical repairs, assembly, and more! Getting into the world of air tools doesn’t mean you […]

Archive, Tools & Equipment

Why a scroll compressor??

If you have ever worked in a shop you’ll undoubtedly know how loud standard compressors can be.  Especially when left without proper maintenance over the years.  Scroll and screw compressors have been out on the market for years but always at untouchable prices for your average homeowner. Early this year […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Clean Air Tools

Just like your car you need to keep your tools clean and maintained. Hand tools can be easy to keep up with as they just take a wipe down and maybe an occasional drop of oil here and there. Your air tools get used hard and performance can decrease with […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Choose The Correct Type of Compressed Air Line For Your Shop

When setting up your shop air the second most important thing to what compressor you pick is what type and size of air line that you choose to plumb your shop with. If the lines feeding your tools aren’t adequately sized and the correct material for you it could decrease the performance of your air tools or cause trouble down the line. Below we discuss the different types of materials and when they may be good to use in your shop air system. 

Archive, Pneumatic Tools, Tech Articles, Tools & Equipment

Can Air Compressor Tanks Be Connected Together?

One question we get from customers is if they can hook their air tanks together in tandem to get more air output from their shop. Often times this is when a person has a small air compressor in their garage and want to get  a larger reservoir of air before their compressor runs. In theory the idea could work where you could get twice as much air to use before you have to wait on your compressor  to refill, but it isn’t always the magic answer. We decided to cover the details below.

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Air Tools Buyers Guide- The Top 10 Pneumatic Tools You Need

Pneumatic powered tools are something that have been around since the 1800’s and are used daily in today in auto garages and industrial applications. With technology advances and air powered tools becoming more common (and affordable) home hobbyists have turned to pneumatic power in their garages and around the house. A small to medium sized compressor can run a number of pneumatic tools that can help speed up jobs you may need to do around the house or in the garage. We decided to put a list of our top 10 air tools that you need when getting an air compressor.Â