Home » Street Rodder Road Tour 51 Ford Custom- More Metal Work, Filler, and sanding.. lots of it!
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Street Rodder Road Tour 51 Ford Custom- More Metal Work, Filler, and sanding.. lots of it!

The crew at Honesty Charley and Street Rodder Magazine have been doing a great job of keeping the 2013 Road Tour car under wraps. We’ve been bugging them for a while for some teasers and they finally shot us a few photos to keep us enticed.

As we mentioned in previous posts, this car has had a lot of rust repair done already and equally as much custom work done. The work continues as they are whipping up some panels for the car using their Eastwood Shrinker Stretcher Set and Plastic Metal Shaping Mallets to build some panels that needed some shape built into them. Who can guess what part they’re building in the photos below?!

While some of the guys are working on some final metal fabrication, the rest of the team are starting on the body work in the areas they customized and repaired already. The tedious job of block sanding the car has been made a little easier with the use of Soft Sander Sanding Blocks and the Adjustable Flexible Sanding Blocks. The car is moving along quickly and we hear it should be getting some primer and color any day now. As soon as we smuggle some pics of the car in color you’ll be the first to see it! Stay tuned!

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