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Spring Cleaning in The Garage

Top 5 Ways to Organize Your Garage

With warmer weather coming most of the US are ready to clean up and organize their home and work space this spring. There’s nothing better than getting rid of clutter, sprucing things up, and just generally getting more organized both in your home and your garage. We’ve decided to put together our top five ways to organize your shop this spring.

  1. Back Stock- Much like a retail store or a restaurant there are going to be things that are more in demand in your garage and leaving extras or bulk back stock out in the garage will fill your shelves and take up valuable space. We suggest getting a chemical cabinet or at very least an old metal cabinet you can find on many second hand sites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, LetGo and many more! You can then keep the most common chemicals you use often on an aerosol rack that you can keep on the side of your tool box or work bench for quick access when you need them. Our rack usually has PRE, Kroil, and Aerosol Injected Cleaner in it.
  2. Rags and Paper Towels in One Spot- It’s happened to us all where we can’t seem to find a rag in the shop anywhere. If you have a tendency to carry rags around and leave them on any flat surface we suggest picking a central location to keep them all and try and return them all there at the end of the day. Also it’s best to keep a fresh paper towel roll on a magnetic hanger next you the tool box and wherever you keep your reusable rags. This will keep the paper towels from migrating across the shop and ending up getting knocked on the floor.
  3. Organize Layout Supplies in One Spot- Layout supplies like pencils, markers, rulers, tape measures, squares, etc. are used so often it’s good to keep them all together in one place. We like to keep a batch on magnetic trays on the tool box and also on our fab table. As a rule of thumb it’s best to have 2 of every measuring tool as they seem to go missing with the 10mm socket quite often!
  4. Organize Your Welder- Welding takes a lot of consumables and accessories. We like to get a good welding cart that will not only hold our welder or plasma cutter it will also hold our consumables like tips, nozzles, and electrodes. It also allows us to separate our wire brushes, scuff pads, and other cleaning supplies from those used for dirty work. Our professional welding cart even has space for holding your filler wire to allow you to have everything you need for welding cart in one space.
  5. Air Line Organization- Air hoses can be a major headache when they get knotted, twisted, and under foot. We suggest taking the time this spring to reconfigure your air lines. You can add an air dryer and hard line kit to plumb the air lines through a larger shop or add a hose reel from the wall or ceiling to make it easy to keep compressed air close to you in every part of your garage.

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