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SEMA 2014 Day One Recap

SEMA 2014 Day One

Early yesterday morning the doors for the show officially opened and the crowds of show goers pushed their way into the doors to start walking the show. The size of SEMA has only grown and no one is exaggerating when they say that you’d be hard pressed to see EVERY car and booth in the show!


For most show goers Hot Rod Alley and the Restoration Marketplace are the heart of the show and we’re proud to say that our booth is smack dab in the middle of the madness. Some of the best cars can be found in this main hall along with some of the largest auto manufacturers like General Motors and Ford. Both of these big boys bring out a variety of vehicles from special editions and one-offs to fully modified versions of their latest models.

This year Ford was showcasing their OE approved restoration parts and some brand new muscle adorned in the latest factory performance parts. We could’t get enough of their new 2015 Ford “King Cobra” Mustang they debuted front and center in their booth!



Another reason we’re paying so much more attention to the best cars of the show is because we’re picking finalists for the Eastwood Hands-On awards for the show this year. One of our awards we’re giving out this year is an Eastwood Customer Choice. Yes YOU out there in interwebz land can vote from our top ten favorite cars at the show. Get your votes in for your favorite by voting here: . We’ll be announcing the winner later this week, so watch this space!

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