Home » SEMA 2012- Eastwood Company Part 2 Coverage
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SEMA 2012- Eastwood Company Part 2 Coverage

Every year I’m still amazed at how many hidden “gems” there are in the show. You could walk rows and rows of products, models and through thousands of people, and suddenly you turn a corner and there is a beautiful car tucked in a booth. It’s almost like a treasure hunt for us. We try to cover a lot of the show floor and find some of these hidden gems for YOU.

Day 2 we seemed to stumble upon a lot of these types of cars. In fact right under our nose I found a small booth that was really different then the others.. no flashy lights, half-naked models, or an eager sales crew trying to lure you in with freebies. Just a beautiful deep red retro hot rod. After finding the builders, we got to talking and this very car is a true show car from the ’50’s that was found in sad shape. They brought it back to its former glory and added some additional custom work to get it looking as good or better than it did in its glory-days. This car is featured in this months HOTROD Magazine and we’ll be doing a video feature on the car with the builder. Stay tuned!

Gene Winfield Ford Kustom

Even leaving the show walking outside, I found some amazing rides hiding in every corner and inch of the lot. This beautiful Kustom Ford is a Gene Winfield creation and he worked with his crew until hours before the show to get it ready and entered in the show. He had great things to say about Eastwood and we’re honored to be doing an exclusive video feature on the Ford.

Here’s some of the best rides we found during day 2 of SEMA 2012 show. We’ll do our best to keep seeking out the best rides for you!

One Comment

  1. I need a good auto repair in Monsey NY that can fix up my 57 Chevy to look like these beauty’s.