Home » Preventative Maintenance on Mirror Polished Parts for your Ride
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Preventative Maintenance on Mirror Polished Parts for your Ride

Everyone loves a well done vehicle with some nice polished parts on it. It really makes things pop and gives your car, truck, or bike a classy look. While it does look amazing, it takes a LOT of hard work to keep mirror polished metal parts looking as good as the day you installed them. I’ve been building and restoring classic race wheels for some time now and I’ve found that the best solution to keeping the mirror polished lips looking perfect is to periodically apply some Eastwood Metal Protect. Our R&D team worked hard to make a coating that is semi-permanent, self leveling, and nearly invisible once dry. I recently did a set of polished aluminum wheel lips for some Ronal Racing wheels that I had painted with our Eastwood Vintage Race Wheel Paint and I decided to shot a couple photos. You can see in the pictures that even when you’re very close, the coating is nearly invisible. Metal Protect allows me to just spray the wheels down with some detailer or when washing the car and they’ll look as good as the day they were polished. No need to hand rub them all the time! Save yourself some time and apply Metal Protect to all of your polished parts!


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