Home » Project Car Planner- How to Plan for a Future Project Car
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Project Car Planner- How to Plan for a Future Project Car

Starting a project car begins long before you even own the vehicle. Proper planning of your next project could help you grasp what it will take to build your dream car or what you need to be looking for in your next ride. Kevin Tetz has been a long time car builder and autobody tech. He shared with us his Project Planner he uses when considering new project vehicles. Feel free to print the planner and fill it out about your next project!


Planning Your Project

What is Your Goal?



Pro Touring



What is Your Budget?

What can You Afford?

-There are TWO Types of Currency. Which do you have the most of?



Do Your Research and Homework! List your estimated costs below for each.



-Tools and Equipment

How Long Will It Take?

(A decent ballpark for a total restoration is 1000 hours labor)

-Set a reasonable Completion Goal and Time/Date


Weekends- Two 8 Hour Days

Divided by

Average Total Restoration Time= 1000 Hours


=62.5 Weekends (One Year, 4 Months)


How Do You Achieve Your Timeline Goal?

Back Timing

1. Set Your Order of operations I.E.- What Comes First?



Interior Electrical


2. Estimate (Conservatively) How Long Each Will Take

Mechanical & Suspension-

Body and Paint-



3. Get a Desk Calendar or Planner and start penciling in rough completion dates of each part of the vehicle.


-Visual Guide

-Visualization Tool

Be Honest with Yourself!

-What are you capable of doing yourself?

-What are your Strengths?

-What part of the build do you need to farm out?


-What Can you Afford?

-There are two types of currency. Which do you have more of?



What are Your Plans for the Vehicle After it’s Done?

-Cruise-Ins/Casual Car Shows

-Competitive/Trophy Shows


-Family Bonding




Once you have filled out this planner you should have a better idea of what you can look for in your next project. Just remember to be honest with yourself and don’t get in over your head with a project! If you ever have projects about a potential projects or any of the steps feel free to contact our tech line for advice at: Techelp@Eastwood.com .





One Comment

  1. Am I missing something? It seemed difficult to find the project planner and once I did search and found it, I can not fill it out or print it. Do you have a download section?

    Thank you,