Home » ‘Shop Talk’ Podcast – Episode 7: Robert McGaffin, Respected Industry Photographer & Automotive Enthusiast
Archive Shop Talk Podcast with Kevin Tetz

‘Shop Talk’ Podcast – Episode 7: Robert McGaffin, Respected Industry Photographer & Automotive Enthusiast

Wanna see your car on the cover of a magazine?

In this episode of Eastwood’s ‘Shop Talk’, Kevin talks with Robert McGaffin, automotive photographer & genuine gear-head. Decades of experience have provided McGaffin with the knowledge & discipline he needed to become one of the industries most respected & sought after photographers.

Robert offers a few photography tips & shares insider hints on how to get your ride noticed by the magazine guys!

Sit tight & listen to Robert and Kevin as they talk shop!

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  1. Thanks Ken!

    We love reading the feedback from our listeners. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, shoot us an email at ShopTalk@eastwood.com. Doing so will qualify you for a $25 Eastwood Gift Card.

    So let’s hear your thoughts!

  2. Good conversation . I want to do some photography
    when I retire.

  3. Really enjoy the shows and this one as well.