Home » Penn Manor Bio Diesel Project Hits The Press!
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Penn Manor Bio Diesel Project Hits The Press!

Recently I was forwarded this article written by the newspaper local to the school. Looks like their project caught the attention of a newspaper writer! Check out the full story at the link below. Great job guys!




  1. I discovered your web site, i believe your blog post is awsome, keep posting.

  2. biodiesel should be the stuff that we should put on our engines because it is a renewable fuel ”

  3. biodiesel is the best fuel that we can get, it is reneweable and sustainable”‘~

  4. biodiesel fuels are less polluting and more renewable compared to fossil fuels like conventional diesel”‘:

  5. I think it’s awesome when a group of young men are challenged and come up with a great project like this.

    I think our newspapers should carry more of these types of articles and less articles about all the ‘bad things’ out there.

    Keep up the good work!