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Janice Payne- 1947 GMC Greyhound Bus

“Difficult, you bet! Determ ined, you bet! In over m y head, Absolutely…. lol Tree fell on m y Pace Arrow Eleganza that I was restoring while living in as my home…. Insurance company announced It was totaled. Just in case you are wondering, yes I was inside it when it happened! Thought the end had com e!!!! There I found m yself having to find another hom e & of corse It would have to be a project to be able to afford it. I found myself scanning eBay and the PERFECT solution was suddenly right in front of me!!!! A 1947 GMC PD3751 6-71 Greyhound Bus!!!! What a Beauty!…. What Classy Lines!…. What a life long Project this is going to be just finding parts! Having No Fear, or just plain ol Crazy, I used the insurance money for the down payment and got a loan for the remainder. Took over a month to get her from Wisconsin to Virginia, but I’m sitting in her typing this right now 🙂 “Her name is “Thunder” She was brought back to life and converted about 10 years ago by a previous owner so the inside is still pretty darn good and the person I got her from only had her about a year. The outside needs a lot of TLC to bring her back to glory so there is plenty of work to be done, specialty tools to be bought, parts to find, Parts to Make, body work, paint, electrical solutions to figure out…. The list goes on & on! Bungies holding luggage com partm ents closed, Big roof dents, Scrapes, Puncture holes both sides, chrome work etc. Difficult, You Bet! Determined, you bet! In over my head, Absolutely! Now I just hope lucky as well 😉 Many Thanks for Being There Eastwood! GtrPknToolToatinMama & Thunder”

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