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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

The cure for rusty-tank syndrome

It’s one thing to have to fight rust that is easily accessible, like on floor pans or quarter panels, where it isn’t too hard to get to the problem area.  Nothing is worse than restoring a vehicle, only to find that the fuel tank you have in it is full […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Wheels in Motion Trip #2

This week we stopped over at both of Mike’s shops to get some feedback on our welder and prototype plasma cutter. They have been putting these through their paces the past few weeks. We can now take some of the feedback on the prototype plasma and have our factory tweak […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Real Life Product Testing

Lets face it, there isn’t enough time in the day for everyone here to fully document every project they have ever done, or currently have going. I am one of the lucky ones, in that my job revolves around my documentation of each and every project I do. But not […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Project GTohhhh myyy

The one nice thing about us having a small store front here at the Eastwood headquarters, is that we have customers stop in with their newly finished projects quite often. We love when they come to show off all their hard work. Yesterday a long time customer (and frequent visitor […]