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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Eastwood Daily News

What are you working on this weekend? Weather is getting colder here, so I am spending some time indoors,… # I caught up with Kevin Tetz at SEMA 2011 to get his opinion on our NEW Internal Exhaust Coating. Thanks Kevin!… #

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Practicing TIG Welding.

This is a lead in from some of our other “beginners TIG welding” articles. Once you have started getting your technique and hand positions down on a piece of flat metal. Then make sure your beads are looking satisfactory (and uniform) and then you can move to laying some welds […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

5 Beginners TIG Welding Tips

More so than MIG and ARC welding, TIG welding requires a lot more practice to be proficient in. There are a lot more ways to control the arc, puddle, and final outcome of your weld than with a MIG welder. Here are 5 tips that are essential to keep in […]