Home » A Visit from Rolling History- The Keystone Cops Model T Car Club Visits Eastwood
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A Visit from Rolling History- The Keystone Cops Model T Car Club Visits Eastwood

Like the saying “birds of the same feather flock together”, automotive enthusiasts with similar tastes and interests normally cruise and meet together. This is especially true with fans of Ford Model T’s. Recently we got a call from the local Ford Model T car club who wanted to stop in for a visit at the Eastwood headquarters; we happily agreed. The Keystone Cops Model T Car Club is a group of enthusiasts that enjoy all aspects of Model T’s in “original” form. You won’t see chopped, channeled, or modified caricatures of the original here, these enthusiasts are out enjoying their cars as they were built originally.

This past Thursday the group set out on their annual 3-day cruise through local rural scenic roads. They made their first stop at the Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles and then continued on a few short miles to visit us here at Eastwood. As the cars rolled in and parked, we were taken back to a time when cars were mechanical works of art rather than digitized, rolling toasters we see on the road today. The brass, the wood, and the simplicity stops almost anyone in their tracks, and we can definitely admit that many of us disappeared from our desks while they were here!

After everyone parked, snapped some pictures, and said hello, we gave the first of 2 excited groups a tour of the inner workings of Eastwood, and gave them a bit of history. After the tours we rounded the building to give them a short tech demo on our new Eastwood Metal Brake and Slip Roll, and closed the tour with “goodie” bags for the visitors.

All in all the visit was great for everyone involved and we were delighted to see so much automotive history in one place! Click the pictures in our gallery below to view the larger versions. Thanks for reading!


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