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How to Make Your Paint Job Last Longer

Car Paint Protection

Painting a car isn’t a quick job and is the first thing you see when you look at a car. It’s no surprise that you should take steps to protect your car’s paint job. Read below for our top tips for making your paint shine for years to come!

  1. Pay Attention Where you Park– Natural elements can be the worst enemy for a auto paint. For instance, tree sap can drip on a vehicle and etch the paint. If you have the choice try to avoid parking near any sort of tree because sap, nuts, bird poop, branches, etc. can fall from the tree and damage the paint. Also avoid parking close to other cars in a large public lot like the shopping mall as people can be careless and give you door dings and scratches.
  2. Regular Cleaning- Keeping your Car clean and removing any contaminants immediately is important to preserving the paint on your car. Be sure to wash and detail your care a handful of times each season. If you live in an area where you may get winter weather and may drive through road salt; make it a habit to wash the salt residue off the vehicle as soon as possible. Road salt and winter weather is one of the worst things for auto paint.
  3. Car Cover- Using a thing dust or car cover will help your shiny paint stay clean and shiny with little upkeep. The Eastwood Car Cover is a lightweight, stretchy cover that is great for indoor storage or temporary cover outdoors to keep pollen, dust, and dirt off the vehicle.

There’s our top tips. Most importantly you want to clean and polish your car periodically and Eastwood has you covered from wet sanding to waxing and sealing! Visit our Car Care Products HERE.

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