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How to choose an Abrasive/Soda Blaster!!

Eastwood 100lb Pressure Abrasive Blaster


If you need to blast some parts larger than a blast cabinet odds are you have looked at a pressure blaster.   We have a selection of blasters for each need to ensure we have you covered. Now there are two types we offer, abrasive and soda.  Let’s start first by talking about abrasive blasters and their uses.  These are designed to use an aggressive media such as aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, or glass bead.  Most of our customer use abrasive blasting to clean rusty old vehicle frames and parts too large for a blast cabinet.   You’ll see these referred to in different weights.  50,100, and 200 LB units.  Each unit will blast identically, the weights is referring to how much media the unit holds.  The larger the number the longer you can blast before stopping to refill.  The other thing you’ll see will be two distinct price ranges for these units.  The units ranging from low $100 dollars up to low $200’s are home hobbyist version perfect for weekend warrior.  Next you’ll see the units price jump into the 600 dollar range.  These will have beefier components built for even longer lasting with constant blasting.   Finally the last thing to talk about will be the CFM Consumption.  The smaller home hobbyist units will consume 7-14 CFM depending on Nozzle size.  The larger units will consume between 10-125 CFm depending on Nozzle size.

Eastwood Soda Blaster


Soda blasters are built just about identically to an abrasive blaster.  The key difference is in the manifold found at the bottom of the tank.  These are specially built to help feed the proper amount of soda media into the air stream.   Fun fact, each of our soda blasters in the 200-700 dollar price range actually come with two manifolds.  One for abrasive media and one for soda.  It’s like getting two blasters for the price of one.  Soda blasting is a great way to clean paint and oxidation from surfaces without any damage to the substrate.  In this category again we have Hobbyist versions around 200 dollars and a more beefy 700 dollar option.  The top of this class is a stand alone soda blaster with a 25 ft hose.  Perfect for those huge jobs in which you do not wish to move the blaster itself all time.  Our Heavy Duty Soda Blaster is perfect for professionals or even the home hobbyist who prefers the best of the best.  CFM consumption of the units is identical to the abrasive only blasters.  Hopefully this article helps you pick out your next blasting equipment.

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