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How to choose a blast cabinet!!

While we sell five different models of blast cabinets here at Eastwood, I’m going to concentrate on three.  These three are best suited for the DIY hobbyist especially when space is a premium.



I’ll work left to right in reference to the pictures above which is also smallest to largest capabilities.   I will start off by dismissing any rumors that the smaller cabinets can’t blast as well as the larger units.  Each of these three cabinets uses the identical abrasive blasting gun and nozzles.  Each would perform just as well with identical medias in use.  The biggest differences will purely be the internal dimensions along with max part size and weight. Depending on nozzle size chosen each cabinet can run well off a minimum air supply of 7 CFM @ 90 PSI.  Optimally if you have 10 CFM or greater being output by your compressor you’ll be good to go. Each unit will also be able to use practically any media as long as it is 60 grit or finer.

The first pictured unit will be our Bench Top Blast Cabinet.  Capable of holding up to 25 LBS of media and 50 LBS of parts means you can very easily get your foot in the door learning to blast without being limited to very small parts.  The internal dimensions are a generous 22” wide x 18” deep x 12” high.  Think of all the parts you can blast which would fit into this size. The whole cabinet will take up just a 24 inch x 20 inch space in the corner of your work bench.  Don’t let the small size fool you as this cabinet has a built light to really allow you to see your work along with a dust port to allow you to hook up a shop vacuum for bright dust free viewing.   No matter which cabinet you’re looking at know this, all are a great addition to our powder coating setups.  Blasting parts before powder coating is the best possible method to prep the metal and leave a profile for the powder to adhere.


Now on to the middle picture of our Modular Blast Cabinet which has some pretty neat features.  This unit can be set up in two different ways, a bench top unit or with optional legs to have it become a stand alone system.  We have bumped the internal dimensions up to 28” wide x 18” deep x 12” high for slightly larger items.  Couple that with the new LED light for an even brighter work areas and you’re ready to start blasting.  Here is a quick picture with the optional legs attached and you may be asking yourself why the option.  Since this unit is the best of both worlds of compactness and also generous internal dimensions that we would offer the option.  Many times our customers will pick the cabinet up to use as a bench top version, which can be put away in between uses.  Only to realize down the road, it has become such an integral part of their shop that it now makes sense to have it’s own location freeing up bench area.


Finally on to the largest of the three DIY Abrasive blast cabinets.  Offering the largest internal dimensions of the three and holding the most amount of part weight is our Eastwood Abrasive Media Blast Cabinet.  Capable of holding a part to be blasted of up to 132 LBS, means you’ll be cleaning and blasting all types of items.  You can fit up to a 20 inch wheel in this unit!!! Powder coating wheels here you come.  Not just wheels though you’ll be able to clean up rusty suspension parts, larger hood hinges, exhaust manifolds and more in this huge cabinet.  Look at these internal dimensions of 36” width x 24” depth x 23” height.  Another huge advantage of this unit will be switching between medias.  A hinged door on the bottom of the media hopper allows for quick media changes.


Hopefully these specs help make it easy to pick out which cabinet is right for your shop.  Each cabinet will function identically it really comes down to which size fits best not only in your budget but also your garage. For our full line of Blasting Equipment and accessories click here. 





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