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How Long Should I wait to Wax A Fresh Paint Job?

When you’re safe to wash and wax new paint.

Properly detailed and waxed paint is a beautiful thing. It gives the paint incredible depth and protects it from the elements. Naturally you want to protect a fresh paint job but it might not be good for the paint right away.

Paint and clear coat manufacturers always give a window until paint and clear are “cured” so you can handle parts and also wet sand and buff. Usually within 24-48 hours paint is solid enough you can handle it, but that doesn’t mean it is ready to wax. Fresh paint and clear coat may initially cure in a day or two but it can take 30-90 days to full harden and it needs time to “breath”.

Paint wax is a sealer that keeps the elements out and also doesn’t allow the paint to “breathe” so you could effect the durability of your paint job if you seal it up before the 30-90 day window. If the paint isn’t fully hardened or cured you could see the paint scratch, chip, or peel more easily.

Instead use a lint free micro fiber to clean and dry the paint, but fight the urge to wax new paint. Because the paint isn’t as durable you have to be very careful with the rags and sponges you use to wash and dry your new paint. The fresh paint tends to be softer and can scratch easily too. We suggest using a new or freshly laundered microfiber rag to avoid any minor debris scratching the paint or clear coat.

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