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Gunner’s Garage Reviews Eastwood Chassis Black

We take every review seriously, and we read them all. You can check just about any product on our site and see that we have reviews from REAL customers. This review came in from John Gunnell recently where he reviewed our Chassis Black paint and had great things to say! We love your feedback, so don’t forget to hit a product after you’ve used it, and give it a review!

Here’s what John had to say: “Snowed today, so I decided that rather than drive to my shop, I would bring home some parts to a customer’s car and clean them up and paint them at home. Over the years I have tried all kinds of stuff to paint chassis parts. At the suggestion of a friend, I recently tried the Tractor Paint that they sell at local Fleet Farm stores. This is a thick paint that gives good coverage, but it always ran. Just before Christmas, Eastwood hit me with a sale on many items combined with free shipping, so I put in a large end-of-year order. I bought some of their Extreme Chassis Black Pimer and Extreme Chassis Black spray. Now, I had tried Chassis Black some time ago, but I could not believe how good the latest formulation is. I do not know what they did to it, but the paint lept on the parts as if it was powder coat and it barely dripped, if at all. These paints are not cheap, but if they continue to work like they did tonight, I’ll keep buying and using them. I was really impressed. And I think that the owner of the car will be impressed, too.”

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